- Three free throws (3x)
- Orange Jello Lemon Jello (3x)
- Red Lorry Yellow Lorry (3x)
- She sells sea shells on the sea shore.
- Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers from the pepper patch.
- How much would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Head & shoulders
- Humpty Dumpty
- Jack & Jill
- Incy Wincy Spider
Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sunshine, dried up all the rain,
And Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout again.
1. What room has no door or windows?
2. What gets wetter the more it dries?
3. Which one is faster? Hot or Cold
4. What kind of food you throw the outside, cook the inside, then eat the outside and
throw away the inside.
- What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment but never in an hour.
- Crossword puzzles
- Reverse Crossword puzzles.
- Jigsaw puzzles.
- Word Maze
- Teacher Says ( Simon Says )
- Mother Hen & Mr. Wolf.
- What’s the time Mr. Wolf.
- Station Game (Boom Game)
- Mother went to the market to buy a new dress. What colour do you want?
- Hide & Seek
- Zero Point
- The sun shines on those with ---- (clothing0
- I spy with my little eye something beginning with ----
- I have a friend. She is ---- (adjectives)
- I went to the shop and bought------
- I went to the zoo and saw-------
- One Word To Many
- Word Chain
- Mr Wincy & Mr Incy
- Wordtennis
- Code
Word ______________ (Concrete Noun)
Something bigger ______________ (Size)
Something smaller ______________ (Size)
A verb that goes with it ______________
A word (same letter) that comesearlier in the dictionary ______________
A longer word beginning with the same letter. ______________
A shorter word beginning with the same letter. ______________
An adjective to describe it ______________
The opposite of the adjective ______________
Another word the two adjectives go with ______________
1. Little Red Hen
2. The Lion and The Mouse